Make your iPhone or iPod Touch happy with our free webapps. Pssst - they work with most web browsers if you don't have an iPhone.
These apps were all written in 2009 and they looked and worked great on the first iPhones, when webapps were a new thing. Now they remain a historical curiosity and an example of how Javascript and the OS have changed to make something not work after a few years. Maybe one day I will tweak them to work again.
Make your iPhone or iPod Touch happy with our free webapps. Pssst - they work with most web browsers if you don't have an iPhone.
Look up at the night sky, as people have done since the beginning of time. Some of those bright dots are planets. Others are bright stars. There are constellations to pick out if you know where to look.
Night Sky makes it easy to identify the planets and constellations on a clear, easy to read display. Tap to rotate the view so the horizon matches the direction you are looking. Use your iPhone GPS location, or enter any location, date and time to see the night sky. Works offline for viewing without a connection.